Captain Tom's daughter disqualified from charity

The family of the late fundraising veteran say they have made the "difficult decision" not to appeal.
2024-07-03 17:08:08

US couple 'walked for hours' before dying in Hajj heat

The two pilgrims' daughter says a tour agency they used had failed to provide basic necessities.
2024-06-25 05:08:06

French film star Anouk Aimée dies aged 92

The actress died at her home in Paris on Tuesday morning by her daughter's side.
2024-06-18 18:09:05

After parade of support, one Trump family member was at verdict

Mr Trump second son was the only relation in the courtroom. His wife and eldest daughter have largely remained silent.
2024-05-31 20:08:57

One Trump family member in court as verdict read

Mr Trump second son was the only relation in the courtroom. His wife and eldest daughter have largely remained silent.
2024-05-31 18:08:33

Ex-England star Wilshere speaks to BBC about his daughter's heart defect

Former England and Arsenal midfielder Jack Wilshere speaks to BBC Breakfast about his daughter needing surgery for a congenital heart defect. Wilshere now wants to raise awareness of heart conditions.
2024-05-30 11:09:50

Children with anorexia sent 100 miles for care

A Scarborough mum facing an eight-hour round trip says her daughter feels "abandoned".
2024-05-15 10:11:58

Family given stranger's ashes after mother's death

A daughter had an urn in her house for months before discovering it did not contain her mother's ashes.
2024-05-14 02:06:40

'I could not protect her': Dad mourns child killed in Channel

Ahmed Alhashimi's daughter Sara died as the family tried to cross the Channel in a small boat.
2024-05-01 07:07:25

Man confesses to kidnapping his daughter during Hamburg airport drama

Post Content
2024-04-29 17:09:17

Daughter's world 'turned upside down' after pub cellar death

Olwen Collier died from head injuries after falling into the cellar of the Stag and Pheasant in Carmel, south Wales.
2024-04-28 01:06:33

Baby hurt in Sydney stabbing out of hospital

The nine-month-old daughter of Ashlee Good, who died protecting her, will continue to receive care.
2024-04-21 09:08:19

Baby hurt in Sydney stabbing out of intensive care

The daughter of Ashlee Good, who died protecting her, is one of six people still in hospital.
2024-04-16 15:08:38

'I was told it might be better if my baby died'

Sheila Brill is a campaigner for safer childbirth after her daughter was starved of oxygen during labour.
2024-04-13 13:08:46

Post Content
2024-04-12 04:06:41

Mother heartbroken over daughter's stabbing death

Kulsuma Akter's mother says she is "in shock" following her daughter's death in Bradford.
2024-04-12 01:06:32

Post Content
2024-04-09 21:09:12

A scammer posing online as a mutual friend conned a mum and daughter out of hundreds of pounds.
2024-04-06 05:07:04

Pope shows off rosary of slain Ukrainian soldier, denounces 'madness of war'

Post Content
2024-04-03 12:08:53

Mother and daughter polar bears join wildlife park

Post Content
2024-03-28 18:09:14

Daughter of slain Sri Lankan journalist files UN complaint

2021-01-08 16:05:58

Dinosaurs In Love: Tom Rosenthal and daughter's song made into book

Dinosaurs In Love went viral, musician Tom Rosenthal and his daughter Fenn were the ones behind it.
2021-01-16 02:05:52

Háborog az internet Nicole Kidman új szerepe miatt

Múlt héten derült ki, hogy Nicole Kidman és Javier Bardem főszereplésével készül Aaron Sorkin Being the Ricardos című új filmje, mely az I Love Lucy című ötvenes évekbeli sorozat két főszereplője, Lucille Ball és férje, Desi Arnaz történetét mutatja be. A hírt sokan nem fogadták jól, a legtöbben azt kifogásolták, hogy Kidman alakítja Ballt. Nem sokkal ezután Ball és Arnaz lánya, Lucie Arnaz reagált a közösségi médiában háborgókra. Szerintük felesleges ezen vitázni és nem egyetérteni, hiszen egy eldöntött dologról van szó. Csak bízzatok bennünk. Szép film lesz és utóirat: a szavazás véget ért ...
2021-01-20 11:05:42

Covid-19: Captain Sir Tom Moore in hospital with coronavirus

His daughter says he was taken to hospital after requiring help with his breathing.
2021-01-31 20:05:57

Előkerült egy fotó, amin Heidi Klum szájon puszilja tizenhat éves lányát

Még 2020 végén írtunk arról, mennyire kiakadtak az internetezők, amikor előkerültek olyan képek David Beckham és kilencéves lányáról, Harper Beckhamről, ahogy egymás szájára adnak puszit. Valószínűleg Heidi Klumot sem kímélnék a kommentelők, ha azt a fotót bejegyzés, és nem Instagram story formájában osztotta volna meg, amin tizenhat éves lányával puszilják egymást szájon. A képen inkább tűnnek ikreknek, mint anya-lánya párosnak. Leni Klum saját Instagram-oldalán osztotta meg a fotót, amit mi sajnos nem tudunk megmutatni, de ebben a cikkben valószínűleg az idők végezetéig fennmarad. The post ...
2021-02-01 12:05:39

Egy díjátadón sincs akkora felhajtás, mint Kylie Jenner lányának szülinapi buliján

Kylie Jenner egyetlen, Stormi névre keresztelt gyereke betöltötte a harmadik életévét, amit természetesen egy hatalmas bulival ünnepeltek meg. Mondjuk nem akkorával, mint az első szülinapján, ami a ?Stormi világa? fantázianevet kapta, de azért most is egészen nagy túlzásokba estek. Kapcsolódó Kylie Jenner többet költött gyereke első születésnapjára, mint Magyarország éves GDP-je Még jó, hogy a kislány nem sok mindent fogott fel ebből az egészből. A bulin a koronavírus miatt kizárólag a rokonok vehettek részt, így nem voltak sokan, ennek ellenére berendeltek egy hatalmas, ...
2021-02-02 14:05:51

The migrant girl, 9, detained by US for 531 days and counting

The mother and daughter from El Salvador have narrowly evaded deportation "at least five times".
2021-02-03 02:05:49

Slain FBI agents worked to protect children from abusers

2021-02-04 03:05:57

Modellnek állt Kobe Bryant 18 éves lánya, Natalia

A tavaly helikopterbalesetben elhunyt kosárlabdázó, Kobe Bryant lánya, Natalia az IMG Models-hez igazolt ? írja a Ladbible. Natalia, akit állítása szerint már gyerekkora óta vonz a divat világa, a tragikus körülmények között elhunyt sztár legidősebb lánya, egyébként nemrég ünnepelte 18. születésnapját.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by IMG Models Worldwide (@imgmodels) The post Modellnek állt Kobe Bryant 18 éves lánya, Natalia first appeared on
2021-02-10 11:05:42

Simone Biles 'would not feel comfortable' allowing daughter be part of USA Gymnastics

Simone Biles says if she was a mother she would not allow her daughter to be part of USA Gymnastics following the Larry Nassar sex abuse scandal.
2021-02-15 17:05:51

Princess Latifa: 'Hostage' ordeal of Dubai ruler's daughter revealed

"I just want to be free," Princess Latifa says in video messages after her failed escape in 2018.
2021-02-16 14:06:59

Princess Latifa: The Dubai ruler's daughter who vanished

Dramatic new details have come to light about the extraordinary kidnapping and secretive detention of Princess Latifa in the UAE.
2021-02-17 00:06:00

Princess Latifa: UN to question UAE about Dubai ruler's daughter

The UN is analysing videos in which the daughter of Dubai's ruler says she fears for her life.
2021-02-17 06:06:00

Princess Latifa: UN asks for proof that Dubai ruler's daughter is alive

The human rights office has also asked the UAE about the status of the daughter of Dubai's ruler.
2021-02-19 13:06:00

A menyasszony az anyja spórolása miatt patkány pisis ruhában mondta ki a boldogító igent

Az arizonai Shelly Watson imád pénzt megtakarítani, és megfogadta, hogy a lehető legolcsóbb esküvőt szervezi meg a lányának, Ashleynek ? írta meg a Mirror. A kedves mama elhatározta, hogy nem hajlandó a gyermeke életének legboldogabb napjára 289 ezer forintnyi összegnél többet költeni. Kezdésként megtalálta az ideális helyszínt a frigyhez, méghozzá a helyi iskolai tornatermet. A legjobb az egészben, hogy nem kell érte fizetnem, mert a barátaim itt dolgoznak. Ez a hely tökéletes egy esküvő lebonyolításához. A virágcsokor kiválasztásánál is az volt a legfőbb szempont, hogy ne kerüljön sokba, íg...
2021-02-21 20:05:40

Woody Allen says doc is 'riddled with falsehoods'

A new film shows the director's daughter Dylan Farrow addressing claims of abuse, which he denies.
2021-02-22 16:05:59

Hillary Clinton politikai thrillert ír

Hillary Clinton volt amerikai külügyminiszter egy politikai thrilleren dolgozik együtt barátjával, Louise Penny kanadai írónővel. Az októberben megjelenő State of Terror című regény főszereplője egy frissen kinevezett női külügyminiszter, aki egykori riválisa szolgálatában kezdi meg munkáját ? írja az MTI. Nem sokkal később terrortámadások ?bolygatják meg a globális rendet és a külügyminisztert megbízzák egy csapat összeállításával, amelynek feladata a halálos összeesküvés kibogozása lesz?. A könyv az Egyesült Államokban a Simon & Schuster és a St Martin?s Press, míg Nagy-Britanniában és ...
2021-02-24 09:05:41

Princess Latifa urges UK police to reopen sister's kidnap case

Dubai ruler's captive daughter writes to British police about her sister's abduction 20 years ago.
2021-02-25 08:05:51

Carlos Menem, former President of Argentina, dies at 90

Former Argentine President Carlos Menem died on Sunday, his daughter, Zulema Menem, has confirmed to CNN. He was 90 years old.
2021-02-26 23:28:37

Dubai princess claims she is being held 'hostage' in secret video recordings

The daughter of Dubai's billionaire ruler, who attempted to flee abroad in 2018, has appeared in secret recordings claiming she is being held hostage in a "villa converted into a jail" with no access to medical help, according to a BBC documentary.
2021-02-27 00:06:48

Lady Gaga's dad speaks out following 'appalling' attack against dog walker

Lady Gaga's father, Joe Germanotta is speaking out following the horrifying attack on Wednesday that left his daughter's dog walker shot and her two French bulldogs stolen.
2021-02-27 00:06:51

Serena Williams shares video of her 3-year-old daughter training with tennis coach

Serena Williams' has shared a video clip of her 3-year-old daughter, Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr., perfecting her swing on the court, with the help of coach Patrick Mouratoglou.
2021-02-27 00:06:53

Princess Latifa urges UK police to investigate her sister's kidnapping 21 years ago

Latifa bint Mohammed Al Maktoum, the daughter of Dubai ruler and UAE Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, has sent a letter to police in the UK asking them to investigate the alleged kidnapping of her older sister, Princess Shamsa, from Britain in 2000.??
2021-03-03 17:05:46

Daughter takes job at nursing home to see dad

2021-03-04 04:06:46

Pippa Middleton gyereket vár

Katalin hercegné húga, Pippa Middleton a második gyerekével várandós, amit anyjuk, Carole Middleton árult el egy interjú során. A 66 éves nagymama hatalmas lelkesedéssel beszélt arról, hogy hamarosan megérkezik az ötödik unokája is ? írja a DailyMail. A 37 éves Pippa Middleton és James Matthews 2017-ben házasodtak össze, 2018 októberében pedig megszületett első gyerekük, Arthur. A kisfiú tehát hamarosan testvért kap, de a neméről egyelőre nem lehet tudni semmit. Kapcsolódó Megszületett Pippa Middleton gyereke Ugyanott szült, ahol áprilisban Katalin hercegné is. The post P...
2021-03-04 18:05:55

Murder victim's daughter wants to see justice

2021-03-04 19:05:41

76-yo dad drowns trying to save daughter

2021-03-05 02:05:45

Woman charged in plot to kill daughter's dad

2021-03-05 02:05:46

Father arrested in India for beheading his 17-year-old daughter

Police in India's northern Uttar Pradesh state have arrested a man who confessed to beheading his teenage daughter.
2021-03-05 16:05:50

Michelle Obama has a moving conversation with Dwyane Wade's daughter

Michelle Obama on Thursday held a virtual meeting with the teenage daughter of Dwayne Wade, Zaya Wade. The pair shared advice and discussed Obama's recently released adaptation for young readers of her No. 1 best-selling memoir, "Becoming."
2021-03-05 19:05:44

Opinion: Harry, Meghan and the power of their story

Among journalists in Queen Victoria's England, Walter Bagehot was a central figure. Not only did he marry well -- to the daughter of the Economist's founder, whose death installed Bagehot in the editor's chair -- he also wrote a classic study of British government, "The English Constitution."
2021-03-08 05:05:39

Michelle Obama has a moving conversation with Dwyane Wade's daughter, Zaya

Michelle Obama on Thursday held a virtual meeting with the teenage daughter of Dwayne Wade, Zaya Wade. The pair shared advice and discussed Obama's recently released adaptation for young readers of her No. 1 best-selling memoir, "Becoming."
2021-03-08 06:05:47

Family frets ill daughter can't get vaccine

2021-03-08 23:05:41

Paul Walker's daughter, Meadow, opens for Givenchy at Paris Fashion Week

Givenchy released its first runway show with creative director Matthew M. Williams at the helm, and the recorded film for Paris Fashion Week was opened by 22-year-old Meadow Walker, the daughter of late actor Paul Walker. The actor, best known for starring in the "Fast and Furious" franchise, died in 2013.
2021-03-09 01:05:39

Daughter w/dad in long-term care can't visit

2021-03-13 02:05:43

After daughter's passing, two-time cancer survivor creates safer PPE

When Kezia Fitzgerald's 1-year-old daughter Saoirse was fighting a stage four neuroblastoma tumor, Kezia knew she wanted to do everything in her power to make Saoirse's treatment as comfortable as possible.
2021-03-14 09:05:44

Arctic walrus off Ireland's coast proves a rare sighting

A man and his young daughter spotted the walrus sitting on rocks miles from its usual arctic home.
2021-03-15 18:07:01

Vanessa Bryant names deputies who allegedly took photos of crash site

In a series of Instagram posts on Wednesday, Vanessa Bryant revealed the names of the four Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department deputies who allegedly took or shared grisly photos of the scene of the helicopter crash that killed her husband, NBA legend Kobe Bryant, their daughter Gianna, and seven others.
2021-03-18 11:05:42

Mindig is szerette volna látni, ahogy Gordon Ramsay fején törik a tojást?

Gordon Ramsay nagyon jó viszonyban lehet a lányával, Tilly-vel, hiszen a saját Instagram-profilján is megosztotta a videót, ahogy a gyereke a TikTok-trendeket követve átveri őt: először vizet fröcsköl az arcába, aztán pedig egy tojást is eltör a fején ? írja a Daily Mail.   A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon   Gordon Ramsay (@gordongram) által megosztott bejegyzés A sztárszakácsnak ehhez egy rossz szava sem, a bejegyzést is csak az alábbi sejtelmes szöveggel osztotta meg: Valaki tegnap éjjel elmosogatott a Ramsay-házban? Mondjuk, a sorrendet megfordít...
2021-03-18 14:06:33

Cubans are embarking on treacherous sea journeys as the economic crisis worsens

When Beatriz Jimenez closes her eyes, she sees her daughter and two young grandchildren and they are alive.
2021-03-19 12:06:57

Slain spa worker toiled tirelessly to support her family

2021-03-19 20:07:27

Suspect arrested after a 100-year-old man was slain in his home, Los Angeles police say

A man carrying an axe and a knife was arrested and charged in the slaying of a 100-year-old man who was found dead inside his home, Los Angeles police said.
2021-03-20 02:07:04

Deaths of woman, daughter under investigation

2021-03-20 22:05:49


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